JOY Group Meeting
Hello to the amazing JOY Group.
We are getting ready for another great meeting of fellowship together. Lots of wonderful activities planned ahead and we want you to be a part of everything.
We would like to have a “POTLUCK” dinner this time. That means that you get to cook your favorite food dish and lots of it!!! Pay a lot of attention to the part that reads “lots of it” because I have seen the way you can load up a plate (LOL) and we don’t want to run short on food. I won’t tell you what to bring that is your choice and we will feast on what is brought.
Listed below are all the instructions:
Place: Jubilee Church
Date: Friday, August 6
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Food: You bring a dish of food of your choice and plenty of it.
Make sure you invite someone. It is another opportunity for us to reach out to others and grow the church.
WE ARE JUBILEE! See you Friday night, August 6, 5:30 p.m. (or whenever you can get there.)
Pastors Bob and Darlene Singleton