I, [state your name], before Jesus Christ my Lord, make a covenant to stand with my local church,
Jubilee International Ministries.
In accordance with the Word of God, I attest my acceptance of our statements, our strategies, and
our structure. In doing so, I commit myself to God, to His divine providence, and to the other
members of this church.
I will protect the unity of the church by acting in love toward other members, by following the leadership, and
by refusing to gossip.
I will not let unwholesome communication come out of my mouth, but I will speak words of faith that
will build others up according to their need.
I will share the responsibility of my church in my community by praying for our city, by inviting others
to attend, and by welcoming those who visit.
I will serve the ministry of my church by discovering my gifts and talents, by being equipped by my pastors
to serve, and by developing a servant’s heart.
I will support the testimony of my church by attending faithfully, by giving regularly, and by living
a godly life.
I will follow the voice of the Lord and the Leaders He has delegated to shepherd my life.
Together, we will glorify God by reaching the lost, healing the hurting, and training men and women to
build a multicultural, multi-generational church in the earth.