Conversations At The Well

Join Pastor Angela Fox as we kick off our new "Just Jesus" series.


Here are a few key points:

• JESUS! He is the central theme of the entire Bible. He is the reason we call this “Christianity” - It’s all centered around “CHRIST”. He is the center of it all!

• The whole substance and strength of the Christian Faith centers in Jesus Christ. Without Him there is absolutely nothing.

• The most valuable relationship you could ever have is with JESUS!

• He is enough, He is the alpha and omega, the beginning of everything and the final say of everything. He is the one who shows up, steps up, keeps up and rescues us out of anything and everything!

• Our future , the success of living life to its fullest relies on looking to JESUS, keeping your eyes fixed on HIM! JUST JESUS!!

• Jesus is not just someone you heard about, He is not the one we demand him to be, not the one who just responds the way you want, he’s not the one who looks like you, sounds like you, HE IS THE GREAT I AM!!

• Jesus said I am the bread of life, I am the door, I am the good shepherd, I am the resurrection and the life, I am the true vine….

• Just JESUS - Because He is in Control

- We are so easily influenced and controlled by culture, by assumptions, by comments, by posts We get caught up in the talk around us, we take sides….Jesus doesn’t yield to any of that! If we just make it about him…now are living by His agenda, we are controlled by His Word.

• Just JESUS - Because He is Waiting to have a Conversation

- Who are are you conversing with?

The places we sit when we are weary are making us dehydrated, not better.

- With Jesus, it’s never about what we think it’s about, its always deeper, but you have to sit with him and hear his questions.

- Jesus will go though the “Samaria” of Your life just to sit with you, right where you are!

- Just YOU and JESUS!

- If you are worn out being used and abused by people and situations? Sit with JESUS. Have the conversation.

• Just JESUS - Because Only He Satisfies

- Once you receive Jesus, He is in you! The well is inside of you! The well of the Holy Spirit is in you, Just you and Just Jesus!

- Put down the jar you brought to the well that only contains what you can do in your own strength and instead choose to BE the container for the living water.

• Just JESUS - Because He’s in the Details

- He will be specific with the thing that fulfills your thirst.

- Jesus is specific to what satisfies!

- You will never be satisfied with anything that only Jesus can fulfill, so Jesus will confront the specific thing that you are using to fill His place in your life.

• Just JESUS - Because He will Rescue You

- He will rescue you from the devil

- He will rescue you from the sins that so easily get in the way




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