Father Abraham
Join us as we celebrate Father's Day with our Jubekidz as they share their incredible testimonies of friendship, growth, and unforgettable memories and a powerful message from Pastor Tim on one of the "Saltiest" Dad's - Abraham.
Here are a few key points:
• Reality
- God’s power = limitless. Never too hard for Him to keep His Word – His Promises.
- If God made the promise, He can’t lie, doesn’t fail, doesn’t change his mind and never intimidate by the size of the promise. There is no promise too hard for God to keep. • God's Promise
1) That Abraham will have many descendants; he’ll be a “great nation.”
- Although he’s kid-less
2) That Abraham and his descendants will inherit the land of Canaan
- He had to set out on a word from God without God giving him a map or a destination. All God said was, "Go to the land that I'll show you".
3) That they will be a blessing to the whole world
• There is one major problem with this scenario — He’s 75 and Sarai (Sarah) is 10 years younger - 65. It’s hard to be the ancestor of a “great nation” if you don’t have even one child.
• Tired of waiting for God to fulfill his promise, Abram agrees with his wife’s suggestion to sleep with her servant (Hagar) so he can have a heir. Ishmael (Son of flesh - not the promise) is born.
• But when we create Ishmael’s, they only cause endless contempt, bitterness, envy, jealousy, weariness of spirit, and rebellion.
• God said, "I'm going to bless you the way I'm supposed to bless you, at the time I'm supposed to bless you". Stop trying to help God do what he's already doing in his perfect time and leave it to him. By Sarah – NOT Hagar. "I'm going to bless her and will give you a son by her….she will be the mother of nations".
• We must stay in faith (what’s in front of me vs. promises) - every promise comes by faith. The danger is you must stay in faith so God can do everything he wants to do through you. Abraham is a great example – he’s 99 (wished it was earlier) and God is declaring there is still more to do!
• Abraham's faith should be the basis of our faith because he is the father of faith. Faith is – the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen!
• It’s not about what faith you have but what God you have.
• Faith is not moved by the contradiction of circumstances but rests upon the character of the one who promised. JESUS!!!
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